Monday, August 9, 2010

Krishna and Kuchela

Lord Krishna and sudama were  childhood freinds.
Sudama was also called Kuchela.
lord krishna grew upand became the king of Dwaraka.
Sudama had a wife and many children.
they were very poor .
they did not get enough food to eat.

sudam,s wife asked him to go and meet Lord krishna.
"Lord Krishna is so rich and noble.
He will give you some money.
Then we can have some food," she said.
Sudhama agreed to meet Lord Krishna.
Sudhama went to Dwaraka. was a grand and beautiful city.
Sudama looked like beggar.
People seeing his torn clothes.
Laughed and made fun of him.
When he came to the palace gates,
the guards would not allow him to go in side.
At that time...
Krishna saw Sudhama at the palace gates.
He tooked him...
inside of the palace.
They bothe were very happy to see each other
"You have come to see me. what have you brought for me, Sudama?"
asked Krishna.
Sudama was ashamed of the dirty little knot of rice flakes.
"Rice flakes! I love them!" said Krishna and
he ate the all rice flakes.
After that.....
Sudhama spent a few happy days with Krishna.
At last it was time for him to go home.
But, he did not feel like asking his old friend for any help.
He left the palace empty handed.
He made his way home sadly.
He did not know how to tell his wife..
that he had got nothing.
But, when he came home...
he did not see his old broken hut,
but a grand house instead.
His wife and children came running to greet him.
They were well dressed and happy. Dwaraka........
when Sudhama gaves flakes.... soon as Lord Krishna had eaten first mouthful...
Sudhama's hut turned in to a grand house.
when he ate the second mouthful...
Sudhama's wife and children got wonderful clothes to wear,
and plenty of good food to eat...
....Sudhama did not know all this!!

His old friend Krishna had
showered His blessings on him.
Sudama was over joyed!!
Moral of the Story:
If you can give the Lord even a small quantity,
he returns it back manifold.

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